Sunday, 7 August 2011

Tuesday, 28 June 2011


What if a rising football player was killed and his girlfriend was kidnapped by some gangsters and he rose up from the dead to save her and avenge his murder!


My concept of the Indian monkey God!

Big Daddy

Any man can be a father.  It takes someone special to be a dad.

A really close friend of mine!


Shez Hawttt!

Princess Diana

She was my first crush!

Lily and her pet!

Every child has dream of having a pet which he/she can play with and show off to the friends! I don't know about playing but this is some serious show-off.

Wild Wild West

This sketch is very close to my heart.Since childhood i have been really fond of "The Cowboys".I just love the way they ride on horses and the attitude they wear!"A Cowboy is man with guts and a horse"!